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On-Page SEO Best Practices

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About this Course

A search engine’s job is to provide the best experience to the searcher. How quickly does the page load once they click on the link that Google provides to them? How relevant is the search result? Did the searcher get the information they were looking for?

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The better your pages do according to these guidelines, the better a search engine will rank your pages.

Your content needs to follow certain guidelines for search engines like Google to prefer it over others. In order to help create a great user experience for every search, Google puts priority on:

1. Core Web Vitals

Google wants users to find working, fast-loading sites as that encourages them to keep coming back to Google in the future. Core Web Vitals are metrics that Google uses to programmatically understand the quality of the user experience on each page it recommends to users. In Google’s words:

Web Vitals is an initiative by Google to provide unified guidance for quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.

Core Web Vitals include metrics like “Largest Contentful Paint”, “First Input Delay”, “Cumulative Layout Shift”, and others. Not sure what this means? Not to worry, we’ll walk through them in this course.

2. Keyword Relevancy and Topical Authority

With the goal of serving the most relevant search result possible for each query, Google uses the presence of keywords to understand how relevant each page is. Of course, Google balances keyword relevance with factors like readability (eg: paragraph structure, clarity of writing, links to sources) and depth of information (eg: word count, presence of images).

In this course module you will learn how to adhere to Core Web Vitals best-practices and how to guarantee keyword relevancy for all of your content.

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