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Conclusion: Your Content Engine is Ready

In this course, you have learned the core principlesof On-Page SEOing. You learned about the Core Web Vitals, how to set up your and content and pages, meta tags and open graph tags, and more. These best practices might seem arduous and cumbersome right now, but once you have gone through this process a few times it will become second nature. There are also other ways to automate most parts of what we have walked through, for example by using the Yoast SEO plugin when you’re using Wordpress or by adding custom fields to your backend in Webflow and pulling information into them. You might need the help of a software engineer for these kind of tasks.

Adhering to these best practices is very much worth it though. We’ve helped companies grow their blogs to over 100,000 unique visitors per month simply by optimizing their pages so they ranked better on search engines. Organic searches are a truly powerful traffic channel for your business.

Building a Content Marketing Engine

Now, you know how to optimize your pages in ways that will help your page rank higher on search engines. A key part to getting picked up by search engines is to have consistent, regular content output on your page. Publishing a weekly blog post, for example, helps a lot. If you are wondering how to go about building your content marketing engine we recommend reading our dedicated course about it.

In it, we walk through

  • Content Management Systems
  • the Marketing Tech Stack
  • Setting up Analytics
  • how to collect leads in your database
  • the content funnel,
  • retargeting audiences and retargeting ads
  • types of content
  • and much more.

If you are serious about content marketing as a channel to drive traffic, leads, and revenue to your business, we highly recommend reading through our course: “Building a Content Marketing Engine”.

Further Courses on thisisgoodmarketing

Of course, there is still a lot more to dive into. In this course, we’ve covered On-Page SEOing, but we haven’t gone into other important topics that help you create content that drives traffic. For example, we did talk about internal links and topic authority. Creating content clusters is a good approach to guaranteeing lots of relevant internal backlink opportunities that make sense for your readers and search engines.

Fortunately, we are working on dedicated course modules for topics like this. To be notified when each of these modules is available, sign up here. Finally, if you have feedback for us on this course or questions about any of the concepts here, please contact us at or

Copyright © 2022 Manuel Weiss and Karl Hughes. All rights reserved.